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Europe · France · China

On December 14, 2018, more than 300 spectators attended the vernissage of the international travelling exhibition Le Réel Transcendanté (The Real Transcendental) by the Chinese artist Dahan at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris.

Master Dahan was born in Fujian, China, which is considered to be the region of meditation. From an early age, Master Dahan entered the teaching of painting. It is only after several decades that Dahan converted to Buddhism in the temple of Shu Chang, located in the park of the province of Zhejiang.

In an indescribable way, Dahan, artist-monk proposes a mixture between abstraction, expressionism and figuration whose codes he subtly changes, by integrating, for example, Chinese medicinal herbs in his works.

Before painting, Dahan begins to meditate until he is in a state of absolute freedom and tranquility. His works are the manifestation of this, a simultaneous quest for art and nature and a spiritual search.

The title of the exhibition, “Le Réel Transcendanté” evokes the pictorial experience of Dahan, a Buddhist monk for whom painting is a work of meditation.